Call for papers


The Scientific Society for the History of Health Culture announces a call for papers that will be published in the scientific journal Acta Historiae Medicinae Stomatologiae Pharmaciae Medicinae Veterinariae.

The journal:

  • puts focus on interdisciplinary and inovative approach
  • is open to authors from wide range of humanities, but also from social and medical sciences
  • covers topics from history of medicine and related disciplines (farmacy, veterinary, dentistry etc.), from history of medical institutions and workers to diseases and diagnostic practices
  • is dedicated to topics from the Antiquity to present issues
  • focuses on social history and social construction of diseases ranged from pseudo-medical practices to conspiracy and moral theories of health knowledge and practices in the society (alternative medical practises, eugenics, moral hygiene etc.)

The deadline for submitting papers for the first issue of the journal is June 1, 2022, while the deadline for submitting papers for the second issue is September 15, 2022. Instructions for authors can be found at the following link. Contacts of the secretaries of the journal for additional information and eventual correction of deadlines are and

The journal is available on Zenodo and CEEOL; it is also indexed on OpenAire.