Acta Historiae ima uspostavljenu proceduru za external double-blind peer review – svaki rukopis evaluiraju dva nezavisna stručnjaka iz date oblasti. Autor rukopisa ne zna ko su recenzenti, niti recenzenti znaju ko je autor. Po prijemu rukopisa, uredništvo dostavlja recenzentima tekst koji ne sadrži podatke o autoru. Autori bi trebalo da vode računa da u samom tekstu ne navode informacije koje bi mogle da ukažu na njihova imena, institucije u kojima rade itd. Spisak recenzenata se nalazi ispod.
Acta Historiae has established procedure for external double-blind peer reviews – every manuscript is evaluated by two independent experts on the subject matter. Manuscript author(s) do not know who the reviewers are, and reviewers do not know the names of the author(s). When the article is submitted, the editorial board forwards the text with omitted author’s details to reviewers. Author(s) should take care that the text itself does not mention information that could indicate their names, institutions in which they work and so on. List of external peer reviewers is available below.
M.D. PhD. Vincenzo Ambrogi
Policlinico Tor Vergata, Tor Vergata University Rome (Italy)
Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade (Serbia)
The Natural History Museum, London (United Kingdom)
Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, Zagreb (Croatia)
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb (Croatia)
Faculty of Philosophy University of Niš (Serbia)
Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche Geografiche e dell’Antichità (DISSGeA), University of Padua (Italy)
University of Graz, Southeast European History and Anthropology, Graz (Austria)
Dr. sc. Vijoleta Herman Kaurić
Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb (Croatia)
Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Institute for ethnology and anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Institute for Newer History of Serbia (Serbia)
Asc. prof. dr Aleksandra Stupar
Department for urbanism, Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Oxford Brookes University, Oxford (UK)
Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade (Serbia)
Belgrade Historical Institute (Serbia)