


UDK 61+615+616.31+619(091)

ISSN 2466-2925 (Online)




Christopher J. Duffin, The Mole: an Unusual Item of Materia Medica [Zenodo]

Miroslav M. Popović, Hygienic and Sanitary Conditions in the Prisons of the Principality and Kingdom of Serbia: A Historical Overview [Zenodo]

Nikola Pantelić, State Repression Against the Jataks of the Hajduks In the First Half of the 19th Century [Zenodo]

Maja Vasiljević, The Encounter of Psychiatry and Racism in the Philosophy of Michel Foucault [Zenodo]

Victoria Schmidt and Karl Kaser, Health Films in the Service of Eugenic Surveillance Over Women in Interwar Eastern Europe [Zenodo]

Haris Dajč, Distortion of History in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Cases of Staro Sajmište and Jasenovac [Zenodo]

Isidora Jarić, Post-Pandemic Coping with Social Inequalities: Palliative Care in the Age of Covid-19 Pandemic [Zenodo]

Nikola Samardžić, The Second Cold War and the Crisis of the Global Order: Pandemic, Populism and Economic Decomposition [Zenodo]




Relja Seferović, Book Review: Dubrovački ples s kugom: vrijeme lazareta na Pločama [Dubrovnik’s Dance with the Plague: The Time of the Lazaret on Ploče] by Vesna Miović, Zagreb–Dubrovnik: Zavod za povijesne znanosti Hazu u Dubrovniku, 2022, 232 P.

Aleksandar Weisner, Book Review: Obrazovanje za saosećanje [Education on Compassion], by Isidora Jarić, Belgrade: Scientific Society for the History of Health Culture and the Center for Cooperation with the EU, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, 2022, P. 157